BIM – Modelling and Design Area

BIM – Modelling and Design Area

How to enhance models with data

As the Rhomberg Sersa Rail Group, we generate most of our turnover with the project business. Our competence in project delivery is based on the knowledge of our employees. This knowledge must be preserved, distributed and expanded within the company. It is therefore of great importance to interlink all this know-how in the individual project phases. This is where Building Information Modelling helps.

In this environment, our RSRG-BIM "Planning & Modelling" team develops the skills for generating and managing models and the associated planning know-how.

A 3D model already contains much more information than any 2D plan. If such a 3D model is enhanced with additional data, it is referred to as a BIM model. The model is the central element of BIM, the model-based planning, construction and operation of construction projects. In a broader sense, the model combines all data and information that is generated in the course of a project's life and can be brought into relation to each other via the model. This added value is primarily achieved when this linked information can be made available to all project participants.

What information can a model be linked to? All information relevant to the construction can be attached to it, for example project information, union information, cost information or construction progress information.

By establishing planning and modelling, we are able to offer in-house design-built solutions. Through in-house 3D coordination, we are able to detect errors in the design more quickly and significantly improve our design coordination skills.

In the future, we want to be able to process models from clients, planners or partners, or to process the models of third parties for our own use and expand them for our own purposes. Beyond that, as an extension of our service portfolio, planning and building from just one source will also be offered in the future.

We are currently testing modelling and design using BIM on the following sites:

  • Basle: semi-automated model generation
  • Koralm Tunnel: visualisation of construction progress, cost calculation
  • Various internal pilot projects and individual services