Track-laying machine services in systematic maintenance standard-gauge

Track-laying machine services through standard-gauge systematic maintenance

Machine graveling, tamping, levelling, compacting or stabilising.

Gleisbaumaschinenleistungen im Systematischen Unterhalt Normalspur

Track-laying machine services through standard-gauge systematic maintenance


Schweizerische Bundesbahnen AG



Construction period:

2004 - present

Executing companies:

Sersa Maschineller Gleisbau AG

System Description

Be it suburban railways or high-speed lines, tracks or switches - our machines are tailored to the number of different requirements so that we can offer our customers economical and practical solutions. With the latest levelling, straightening and tamping technology, which ensures a high level of track sustainability, Sersa Maschinenller Gleisbau AG guarantees economical maintenance and high track availability. The safety of the track is primarily determined by its track position. Lateral misalignment or height defects endanger ongoing operations and lead to speed reductions or even line closures.

The levelling and tamping machines, equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensure that the target geometry is restored and guarantee the exact positioning of the tracks. They are equipped with innovative measuring technology, for example with our in-house developed PALAS system, and are designed for use on both tracks and points.

Our experience

  • Approx. 1 700 annual machine shifts
  • 90 % of machine shifts are done at night intervals